November 25, 2018
"From our entity and from the world of sport we adhere to the Institutional Manifesto for
the elimination of violence against women. We want to denounce and fight against sexist violence,
rapes, sexual assaults, harassment, trafficking and exploitation of women because we need
educate, know and recognize the need that we all have to live in freedom, without risks for
our physical integrity and for our bodies.
We need more resources and support so that all women in situations of sexist violence can
break the silence, they can go out and recover. We need prevention, so that violence does not
be a valid option in relationships. We need more specialized professionals in
Attention to the children of women who have suffered violence, so that the future of our house is a country
free of male violence.
From our entity we commit ourselves to advance in the construction of a society and a sport
to walk with values ​​away from any kind of violence, from respect, work
as a team, the struggle, the effort and the improvement. A commitment based on a comprehensive vision of how to
sexual violence, also in sports, and with the will to explain what they are.
Because we do not want more violence against women, because we have the right to be girls and women free.
Against any woman, against any girl, neither in the sport nor in any place!"